In the vein of Shoemoney’s famous “Free Shirt Friday“, many thanks are in order for my own free shirt (Tuesday?) from DSC03062the folks at According to their site, was,

created to sell clothing just for craft beer enthusiasts. Craft beer is about flavor, color, complexity – it is an art to the thousands of brewers in the world. So, we decided to design a clothing line worthy of the craft beer industry’s passion for good beer. We will have new designs once these sell out, so tell your friends and help us spread the word!

As you can see, the shirt I received was the “Know Your Craft #1” but there are currently three different designs (with more to come, I’m sure) available on the site and I would have been happy with any one of them – they’re all killer shirts. I know it’s a little too cold to think about t-shirts right now, but they’d make great stocking stuffers (I can’t believe it’s already time to mention that sort of thing!!) and at $15 bucks a pop, these great shirts don’t cost much more than a case of craft brew and last a whole lot longer! So get yourself over to, check out their awesome shirts, spread the word and tell ’em I sent you! Cheers.



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