Ninkasi Spring ReignI am not sure why exactly, but I get the least excited about spring seasonal beers over other seasons. Maybe it’s that most seasonals that come out during spring are like teenagers, still trying to figure out who they are going to be. Don’t get me wrong though, I still enjoy them very much and was eager to try Spring Reign from Ninkasi, an expanding brewery out of Eugene, Oregon.

Ninkasi is known for really hoppy beers (their Tricerahops double IPA is what made me fall in love with double IPA’s), so I was expecting a hopped packed beer when I tried out Spring Reign.

The beer poured a clear golden color with lots of carbonation and a ton of head that’s light tan in color.  Be careful when pouring it out of the bottle as you will easily get more foam than you know what to do with. One thing I liked about this beer was the lacing it left on the glass the whole way through, as to show remnants of the good time you had drinking it.

The aroma was like a light spring rain.  Not necessarily a downpour, but the kind of rain that puts a smile on your face (maybe you have to live in the northwest to understand) and a hop in your step. It has a nice citrus smell balanced with roasted malt, which creates a nice blend that is far from overpowering.

The first few drinks, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t all that impressed.  The flavor however grew on me and by the end of the glass I was ready for another.  Initially you get smacked with the dry hopped goodness (although it wasn’t too hoppy) which gives way to a nice maltiness that is pretty bitter.  It doesn’t have the hoppiness you’d expect from an IPA, but more than a blond, which leaves it right in the middle.

This is definitely a pretty decent session beer that I think most beer lovers would enjoy to some extent.  It however didn’t leave me as excited as I was when I tried Tricerahops for the first time.  It’s worth a drink though so give it a try if you can find it.

My Ninkasi Spring Reign Review: B

Here are the details:

ABV: 6%
IBUs: 38
Style: American Pale Ale

What’s your thoughts on Ninkasi Spring Reign?

Note: If you represent a brewery and are reading this and would like your beer reviewed on, please contact me for more info. Thanks!