Flute GlassNot just for champagne, the twofold benefits of this glass take shape in form and function.

Not solely an elegant piece of glassware, the Flute showcases carbonation while at the same time providing intense upfront aroma due to its ability to release volatiles quickly.

Typical beers that use a Flute Glass:

  • Bière de Champagne / Bière Brut
  • Bock
  • Czech Pilsener
  • Dortmunder / Export Lager
  • Eisbock
  • Flanders Oud Bruin
  • Flanders Red Ale
  • German Pilsener
  • Gueuze
  • Lambic – Fruit
  • Maibock / Helles Bock
  • Munich Dunkel Lager
  • Munich Helles Lager
  • Schwarzbier
  • Weizenbock