Slightly tapered and with a wide mouth, the near cylindrical glass comes in two standard sizes. The 16 ounce pint glass, known as a U.S. Tumbler, is the most common and referred to as the poor man’s pint glass.
The 20 ounce pint glass, or Nonic, has a slight ridge near the top and assists in accommodating beers with large crowning heads.
A Becker is the German equivalent with the exception that it tapers at the top.
Typical beers that use a Pint glass are:
- American Adjunct Lager
- American Amber / Red Ale
- American Amber / Red Lager
- American Barleywine
- American Black Ale
- American Blonde Ale
- American Brown Ale
- American Dark Wheat Ale
- American Double / Imperial Stout
- American IPA
- American Malt Liquor
- American Pale Ale (APA)
- American Pale Wheat Ale
- American Porter
- American Stout
- American Strong Ale
- Berliner Weissbier
- Cream Ale
- English Barleywine
- English Bitter
- English Brown Ale
- English Dark Mild Ale
- English India Pale Ale (IPA)
- English Pale Ale
- English Pale Mild Ale
- English Porter
- English Stout
- English Strong Ale
- Euro Dark Lager
- Extra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)
- Foreign / Export Stout
- Fruit / Vegetable Beer
- Herbed / Spiced Beer
- Irish Dry Stout
- Irish Red Ale
- Märzen / Oktoberfest
- Oatmeal Stout
- Old Ale
- Pumpkin Ale
- Russian Imperial Stout
- Rye Beer
- Saison / Farmhouse Ale
- Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy
- Scottish Ale
- Scottish Gruit / Ancient Herbed Ale
- Smoked Beer
- Winter Warmer
- Witbier