This is part one of a six-part series (click here for part one, part two, part three, part four, part five & part six) on improving your beer drinking experience. While the series is written for Better Beer newcomers, it is advice that is beneficial to even the most seasoned beer drinkers out there. Cheers.

best pub

Nearly every town in the first world of any magnitude has a watering hole worth visiting – and the ones that don’t aren’t worth visiting – but finding them can sometimes be a chore; especially if what you’re after is the best beer lineup. There are also thousands of breweries scattered around the world, many of which offer tours (and tastings).Seeking out the best beer can be done easily in one of two ways: if you know exactly where you’re heading on a trip before you leave, check the Internets. There are plenty of sites, such as The Beer Mapping Project, which list and map out the best pubs and breweries in the U.S.

The second option is – once on the ground at your destination – to ask the locals. They often can recommend pubs and bars that are less touristy and more down to earth. No one knows the local bars better than those who call a town home. More often than not, you will find their recommendations vastly different than the heavily commercialized offerings you might find listed in your hotel directory, for instance.

Be sure and check back tomorrow for Part 2 of “How to Drink Better Beer”. Be sure and subscribe to the RSS feed so you don’t miss another moment of BAB!