This year marks the 30th birthday of Redhook, and if you’re like me, you probably missed their birthday party which featured a performance by Devo.
While there is still one more month left in 2011, you can still celebrate with them (Redhook, not Devo…) with their special Blueline Series release, Extra Special Birthday beer.
They sent me a 22oz bottle for review and I’ve been eagerly waiting for the right time to crack it open. That time is now.
I poured the beer into one of my new Spiegelau beer glasses and really enjoyed how this beer looked. There was a ton of thick tan head that stayed around for a very long time leaving some nice lacing on the glass. The beer is a very clean dark red with a somewhat yellowish tint peaking through the carbonation bubbles.
The nose is filled with a strong belgian yeast aroma that has hints of banana, lemon, carmel, spice, and a sweet maltiness. It was a lot more sweet smelling than I was expecting, but pleasant.
After such a sweet smell, I was expecting the flavor to follow, however it was a lot more bitter than the nose let on. The taste was like the beer moved away from Belgiam and landed itself in England. Carmel and toffee notes along with malt and English hops are the prominent flavors. Mixed in is a touch of banana, pepper, and a touch of Belgian yeast.
The beer is smooth and easy to drink. It definitely has a character of its own as to not blend in with other beers, however I’m not in love with it. It’s kind of like the Miley Cyrus of beers. It’s nice, but trying to figure out who it really is. I’m not even sure what style I would really classify this as.
Anyways, happy birthday Redhook!
My Redhook Blueline Series: Extra Special Birthday Review: B
Here are the details:
ABV: 6.5%
IBUs: 65
Style: ESB
What’s your thoughts on Redhook Blueline Series: Extra Special Birthday?