One thing I really enjoy about fall is a good pumpkin ale. While checking out the beer selection at the local store down the street, I found that they only offered 2 seasonal ales. They had New Belgium Hoptober, and Harvest Moon Pumpkin Ale from Blue Moon Brewing (Coors Brewing).

Since I’ve yet to try Harvest Moon, I’d thought I’d give it a whirl.  It’s a seasonal beer of Coors that is available from early September through late November.

I cracked open the bottle and poured with interest in what Coors created.  I poured straight down the middle and it had a nice layer of head that didn’t stick around too long.  There was very little lacing left on the glass though.

The beer did have a nice amber/copper color to it, but it looked pretty bubbly.  I was hoping I wasn’t going to be disappointed.

Smelling Harvest Moon I was caught a little off guard.  I was expecting a pumpkin ale smell with different spices, but instead I got a very sweet apple cider smell.  On the bottle it lists the flavors as pumpkin, cloves, allspice, and nutmeg.  I could barely make out the pumpkin smell over the cider aroma, and was left a little disappointed.

I figured that there was still time for the taste to redeem it, right?  Wrong.

This was a pretty weak attempt at a pumpkin ale. I am sure Coors wanted a beer that wasn’t all that different in flavor from Coors Light, but come on.  The taste was weak.  It was like mixing a Coors light and apple cider together with just a tad bit of pumpkin.

The taste wasn’t horrible, just not good at all.  The worst part was the after taste, which lingered longer than a teenage girl at a Justin Beiber autograph signing.  I am left thinking about what beer I should drink now to get the taste out of my mouth.

I’d suggest staying away from this beer unless it’s your only option.

My Harvest Moon Pumpkin Ale Review: C

Here are the details:

ABV: 5.7%
Style: Pumpkin Ale

What’s your thoughts on Harvest Moon Pumpkin Ale?

Note: If you represent a brewery and are reading this and would like your beer reviewed on, please contact me for more info. Thanks!


  1. I remember drinking Harvest Moon in college. Back then, I want to say the label just said Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale.

    But I agree, I revisited the beer maybe 4 years ago, and it was bland. Palate change?… most definitely. Recipe change?… Who knows. With Coors, I wouldn’t be surprised if they found a cheap adjunct to replace an ingredient.

  2. I felt pretty happy with what I got out of Harvest Moon. When I am buying a mass produced “craft” beer I don’t expect to get the big flavors out of them. As beer geeks we tend to get pretty caught up on the bigger beers. The most popular being the imperials with huge flavor, and alcohol contents to match it.

    Harvest Moon has simple seasonal flavors, a light body, and lower alcohol content that is going to satisfy the masses. It doesn’t compare the the pumpkin ale of my local brewery nor is it anywhere close to Southern Tier’s Pum King, which is phenomenal this year, but I don’t expect it to be.

    I agree with your C grade on it, and consider it average at best, but I am just saying that is what I expected.


  3. I totally love this beer. I had it served in a cold glass with a cinnamon sugar rim. My husband and I both thought it was the best pumpkin ale we have had. It is smooth and tasty

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