Beer has been a beloved beverage for thousands of years, enjoyed by cultures across the globe. Whether you’re a casual drinker or a die-hard beer enthusiast, there’s always something new (and quirky) to learn about this ancient brew.

To help you become a true beer aficionado, we’ve rounded up 25 fun and odd beer facts. Some are historical, others are just plain weird—but all are sure to make you appreciate your next pint a little bit more. Let’s dive in!

1. Beer is the Third Most Popular Beverage in the World

After water and tea, beer takes the bronze for the most-consumed beverage globally. So, next time you raise a glass, remember you’re part of a long-standing worldwide tradition!

2. The World’s Oldest Beer Recipe is 4,000 Years Old

Beer’s origins trace back to ancient Mesopotamia. A 4,000-year-old Sumerian poem contains the oldest recorded beer recipe, calling for barley, water, and emmer (an ancient grain). Beer was already deeply ingrained in human civilization long before modern breweries were even imagined.

3. Beer Was Once Safer to Drink Than Water

During medieval times, water was often contaminated, making beer the safer choice for hydration. Since the brewing process involves boiling, it helped eliminate harmful bacteria, making it the go-to drink—even for children!

4. Ancient Babylonians Took Beer Seriously—So Seriously, They Drowned People for Brewing Bad Beer

In ancient Babylon, brewing bad beer was a serious crime. In fact, the penalty for serving a bad batch was drowning the brewer in their own product. Talk about harsh feedback!

5. Cenosillicaphobia is the Fear of an Empty Beer Glass

It might sound like a joke, but cenosillicaphobia is the actual term for the fear of an empty beer glass. We’ve all been there—there’s something unsettling about seeing your pint drained and waiting for a refill.

6. The First Canned Beer Was Sold in 1935

While beer had been enjoyed for centuries, the first canned beer hit shelves in 1935, thanks to Krueger Brewing Company in the U.S. Cans were more durable and lighter than bottles, making them a revolutionary innovation in beer packaging.

7. The Ancient Egyptians Loved Their Beer

The builders of the pyramids were often paid in beer, with workers receiving up to four liters a day. Beer was such an integral part of Egyptian culture that they even had a goddess of beer, Tenenit.

8. Beer Was Critical in the Discovery of Penicillin

Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin, reportedly did so after returning from vacation to find mold growing in his petri dishes. The mold was similar to yeast strains used in brewing, highlighting beer’s indirect role in the development of modern antibiotics!

9. There’s a Beer Pipeline in Germany

In the German town of Zwiesel, a beer pipeline was built to transport beer directly from a brewery to nearby bars. Imagine having fresh beer on tap straight from the brewery—it’s every beer lover’s dream!

10. Beer Is the Perfect Hair Conditioner

Here’s one for the DIY beauty enthusiasts: Beer can actually make your hair softer and shinier! The proteins in the malt and hops are said to help repair damaged hair and improve volume. So, in addition to drinking it, you can condition your hair with beer. Just be sure to rinse well!

11. The World’s Strongest Beer Has 67.5% ABV

BrewDog’s “Snake Venom” holds the title for the world’s strongest beer, with an eye-popping alcohol by volume (ABV) of 67.5%. That’s stronger than most liquors, so be sure to pace yourself if you ever get your hands on a bottle.

12. Belgium Has the Most Varieties of Beer

Belgium is renowned for its diverse beer culture, with over 1,600 different varieties. From lambics to Trappist ales, there’s something for every type of beer drinker in this small but mighty beer-loving country.

13. Beer Foam Actually Enhances Flavor

Foam, or “head,” on beer isn’t just for looks—it plays a vital role in the tasting experience. The bubbles help release the beer’s aroma, which is an essential part of how we perceive its flavor. Plus, the foam helps to keep the beer from going flat too quickly.

14. The World’s Oldest Operating Brewery Was Founded in 1040

Weihenstephan Brewery in Bavaria, Germany, is officially the world’s oldest operating brewery, with a history that dates back to 1040 AD. They’ve been perfecting their craft for nearly a thousand years, so you can trust they know a thing or two about making good beer.

15. Beer Was Once Used as Currency

In ancient Egypt, workers, including those who built the pyramids, were often paid in beer. It was a staple of their diet, providing hydration, calories, and even a mild buzz to get through those long, hot days of pyramid construction.

16. You Can Bathe in Beer in Europe

Several beer spas across Europe offer the chance to soak in a warm tub of beer. It’s said to rejuvenate the skin, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. Plus, many of these spas let you drink a beer while you soak in one!

17. Monks Brewed Beer as Part of Their Religious Duty

During the Middle Ages, European monks brewed beer in monasteries as a way to nourish themselves during long fasting periods. Some of these monasteries, especially those in Belgium, still produce world-class Trappist beers today.

18. The Czech Republic Drinks the Most Beer Per Capita

No one loves beer quite like the Czechs! The Czech Republic holds the record for the most beer consumed per person, with the average citizen drinking around 143 liters of beer each year.

19. Beer Can Be Made from Anything That Has Starch

While most beer is made from barley, hops, water, and yeast, you can actually brew beer from almost any starch source. From rice and corn to sweet potatoes and even bananas, beer can be made from a variety of unexpected ingredients.

20. The Longest Hangover Lasted 4 Weeks

A Scottish man reportedly suffered from a hangover that lasted four weeks after drinking an estimated 60 pints of beer in one session. This bizarre story is a reminder to always drink responsibly!

21. The Term “Rule of Thumb” Comes from Brewing Beer

In medieval Europe, brewers would test the temperature of their beer by sticking their thumb into the liquid. If it was too hot for their thumb, it was too hot to add the yeast. Thus, the phrase “rule of thumb” was born.

22. NASA Has Experimented with Brewing Beer in Space

NASA has tested brewing beer in microgravity to see how the fermentation process works outside of Earth. If astronauts ever establish a colony on Mars, it seems like beer could be part of the future!

23. The Longest Bar in the World is Over 700 Feet Long

The world’s longest bar can be found at the Beer Barrel Saloon in Put-in-Bay, Ohio. Stretching over 700 feet, the bar offers plenty of space for patrons to enjoy a cold one.

24. The Most Expensive Beer Costs $503,300

A bottle of “Allsopp’s Arctic Ale,” brewed in 1875, sold at auction in 2019 for a staggering $503,300, making it the most expensive beer ever sold. That’s one pricey pint!

25. Hops Are Related to Marijuana

Both hops and marijuana belong to the same plant family, Cannabaceae. While they serve different purposes, they share many similar aroma compounds, which explains the earthy, herbal notes in many beers.