Shiner Wild Hare Pale Ale Review
Shiner Wild Hare Pale Ale

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a beer review and decided enough was enough, it’s time to drink some beers.

If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile you might remember last year I set out to drink 50 different beers (that I’ve never tried) from each of the 50 states (1 beer per state). I kind of stalled out after reviewing beer from 32 states. 18 states still sat there mocking me.

While Portland has a lot of great beer, I still have a tough time getting beer from some states known for great beer. Well it’s time to do what it takes to complete my list starting today.

Luckily for me Spoetzl Brewery sent me a sample of their Shiner Wile Hare Pale Ale for review which will help me cross Texas off my list. While I did have a Shiner Bock last year while I was at Wrigley field in Chicago I never reviewed it, so it never actually counted.

An interesting fact about Shiner Wild Hare (which was just released Feb 3) is that it’s the first ale that Spoetzl Brewery has crafted in its 103 year history. They classify it as an American Pale Ale made with a blend of Munich and Carmel Malts and US Golding and Bravo hops.

Wild Hare poured a pretty beautiful copper/orange color with a slight hue of red with quite a bit of carbonation floating to the top of the glass. There was about 3 fingers of white head that stuck around quite a long time (I was probably halfway done with the beer by the time it was gone), which left some great lacing on the glass.

The aroma is pleasant but mild with some slightly sweet maltiness taking center stage. I picked up a little citrusy hop scent with a touch of breadiness in the background. I liked the smell, but it wasn’t really anything special.

It’s a pretty drinkable and smooth beer. The taste is kind of like chomping into a red apple covered in mediocre carmel with a touch of malt upfront. There is a slight undertone of hops, but you really have to pay attention or you’ll miss them. After a few seconds the slight bitterness kicks in and leaves a decent after taste.

Overall I like this beer, but am not in love with it. It’s sweet. It’s good. It doesn’t leave me disappointed. However it doesn’t impress me.

Sure, I’d drink it again. If this is Spoetzls first attempt at an ale I think they’re on the right track.

My Shiner Wile Hare Pale Ale Review: B

Here are the details:

ABV: 5.5%
IBUs: 32
Style: American Pale Ale

What’s your thoughts on Shiner Wile Hare Pale Ale?