May 16th marks the beginning of American Craft Beer Week and also marks the beginning of my 50 beer challenge. Over the next year starting on May 16, 2011 I will be attempting to drink and review 1 beer from each of the 50 states to celebrate American craft beer.

This page will serve as my report card and I’ll update once I post up new reviews.

A few things to note first:

  • Each of these beers isn’t meant to be a representation of all the beers in the state. I know I probably won’t be drinking the best beer from each state (plus that is subjective anyway), but opening up my eyes and hopefully my readers eyes to multiple breweries around the country.
  • Being on the west coast a few of the states might be difficult for me to find beers from. If you want to help out, visit this sites contact page.
  • Each beer has to be new to me.  If I’ve drank it before, it’s not eligible.
*UPDATE: I extended my challenge to 100 days.  Read about it here.

My Beer Challenge Progress – 35 of 50 Complete

Beers already drunk have a link to their review.  Beers secured and waiting to be drunk are listed without a link.