
Side Notes


At the time I first decided to write this post it was late July here on the east coast.  I was walking through one of the local beer stores I frequent, and thinking about what I was in the mood for that night.  I couldn’t stomach another round of shandys, fruit beers, or ciders, and was thinking actually that summer is my least favorite season for beer.  But there are good stores in my area…

Wow, it’s been awhile since I’ve written a new post on here and figured it was time to dust off the keyboard and give you an update on why I’ve been slacking. First off, I’m sure you’ve noticed a few posts coming in from my cousin Ryan on the site. All I can say is wow, he has a great gift for writing. I’m lucky to have him contributing to this site and I’m sure…

Wow, it’s towards the end of January and this is the first post I’ve had in a month. Ouch. I’ve been slacking. Well, to be honest my excitement for writing about beer definitely has been in a slump for me since I’ve started to make some changes to my health. Starting at the end of November I’ve been meeting with a CrossFit personal trainer 3 times a week and changing my eating habits. My whole…

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in The U.S. which means a whole nation stuffing their faces with some great food. Along with the turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and the rest of the usual food, many people pair wine with their holiday dinner. While I really enjoy wine, a nicely paired beer is definitely my preferred beverage of choice (both while stuffing my face and watching some football). Looking through old posts on this site, I quickly realized…

For those of you wondering if I’m still alive, I sure am. I took a few weeks off of posting on here mainly because I’ve been swamped in my business and had to put Blog About Beer on the back burner for a few weeks. The good news is that I’m back and ready to start taking this blog to the next level. 50 Beer Challenge Update For those of you who have followed my…

If you’ve been following my blog over the past two months, you’ve most likely noticed that I’ve been spending quite a bit of time reviewing beers in an attempt to achieve my goal of drinking 1 beer from each of the 50 states in 50 days. Read the details here. The deadline I originally set for myself was July 5, 2011 and unfortunately I was only able to complete 28 out of the 50 beers…

Next Monday starts the beginning of American Craft Beer Week and to celebrate I am starting a new challenge. Starting Monday, I will be attempting to drink and review 50 beers in 50 days from each of the 50 states. Basically I am going to try and find a craft beer to try from every state in the country.  You can read more about the challenge here along with my updates and the rules. I…

I just wanted to take a few minutes and wish you a happy 2011.  Thinking back over 2010 it has been a pretty big year for me (I became a dad) and I’m looking forward to what next year brings. I’m also excited for all of the new beer that I get to try this next year.  Over Christmas I think I got over 30 different beers that I haven’t had before, so get ready…

Last night I went to a new cafe with a friend of mine who recently went on a gluten free diet as prescribed by his doctor. I was pretty excited when we walked in and saw a fairly good sized craft beer selection (probably over 40 different beers). While I was looking over the list deciding what I was going to drink, he was telling me about eating gluten free. As I sat looking over…

Last week my wife had a brilliant idea. When I say a brilliant idea, you could almost say it was a life changing idea. For years one of America’s favorite camping treats, the s’more, has consisted of a graham cracker, chocolate, and a roasted marshmallow or two. Well my friends, the time has come to add a 4th ingredient to make the classic s’more so much better.  You may have already guessed what it is.  What makes…