Last week my wife had a brilliant idea. When I say a brilliant idea, you could almost say it was a life changing idea. For years one of America’s favorite camping treats, the s’more, has consisted of a graham cracker, chocolate, and a roasted marshmallow or two.

Well my friends, the time has come to add a 4th ingredient to make the classic s’more so much better.  You may have already guessed what it is.  What makes everything better? BACON!!!

So Friday night after my wife came up with the idea (I’m sure others have came up with idea before, but it was a first for us), we decided to try it out.  Let me tell you it was simply amazing. The first one we tried had 1 strip of bacon which was good. We decided to add 2 strips of bacon to the second one and it was as good as the first time you crack open a bottle of a new homebrew and realize that it is the best you’ve ever brewed.

To me, s’mores will never be the same.  Without the layer or two of bacon, it’s like going back to drinking mediocre beer once you’ve tasted the best.  It just isn’t the same.

I know this isn’t really a beer related post, but it was so good that it would have been a crime not to post about them. Plus my brewing buddy Sean and his wife came over to try them out with us while we drank for the first time the amber we brewed (way over carbonated, but that’s a whole different story).

Before you say gross to the bacon s’mores, try it out.  Once you’ve tried it, you may never go back.

And if you’re looking for something to wash it down, what better to drink than a bacon flavored soda? I would say bacon flavored beer but haven’t had a chance to try any bacon beers.

What are your thoughts?


  1. Sweet. Salty. Gooey, crunchy goodness. Besides our amazing daughter, this could be one of my greatest contributions to the universe. You’re welcome, universe.

  2. If you really want to take these s’mores to the next level try substituting a Cadbury Creme Egg or a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup for the chocolate. Both of those go great with bacon.

  3. Rogue brewery Voodoo Doughnut maple bacon beer is good but odd. It’s like drinking bacon flavored liquid smoke. I was the only one who liked it. Can’t wait to try the s’mores!

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