
Beer Fun


It’s New Year’s, and that means a few things. Parties, noisemakers, kissing a special someone at midnight, and of course imbibing are all standard fare on December 31st. For years Champagne has dominated this celebration with all of its pomp and circumstance, but no longer! Champagne will become the “old acquaintance” that shall be forgotten. Not content with being considered a 2nd class citizen on this holiday, beer steps up to the mic to claim its…

The guys over at blogged about this earlier in the week so forgive me for poaching, but it was just too good to pass up. has compiled a list of ten Ancient Gods of Beer, from across a wide range of ancient mythology. The list includes such notables as Dionysus (pictured above), who “is famously known for being the Ancient Greek God of intoxicating drinks like wine and beer”, and Ninkasi, the Ancient Sumerian Goddess of beer and…

The beer which has become a staple of Quahog and many a Family Guy episode will soon be a reality. Brandweek announced recently that… In an example of reverse product placement, the Rhode Island-based microbrew will be dubbed Pawtucket Patriot Ale after show patriarch Peter Griffin’s libation of choice. It’s scheduled to appear in liquor stores and specialty outlets next year. No apparent word on what  Rhode Island-based brewery will be churning out the ale but with the show’s ratings…

While sitting in my office this afternoon, I was starring at my drums and thinking about music. I love music almost as much as I love a good IPA.  Music and beer go hand in hand.  I believe that music is better if you have a beer in hand, and drinking beer is better with some good tunes rocking. It got me thinking about songs about beer and gave me an idea to make a…

Everywhere you look on the internet, you’ll notice that people absolutely love lists. We are being bombarded with “top 10 of this” and “7 best of that”, and yet they are so dang addicting you want to click to see if you agree. It’s no different in the beer world where you will see lists such as “15 Best IPAs” and “The Worlds 7 Greatest Stouts”. I have nothing against these types of posts at…

Over the past few years I’ve racked up quite a collection of beer related t-shirts. From breweries I’ve been to, general craft beer shirts and random swag I’ve been given, my closet is a good indication of my love for all things beer related. One thing I’ve noticed when going to beer festivals is that there are tons of other people out there like me who love to rock shirts dedicated to the greatest beverage…

While thinking of your beer-bonging past may make your inner frat boy/sorority girl shiver now, there was a time when many of us found ourselves on the receiving end of one of these homemade delivery systems. I myself built a 5 foot long one for me and my friend’s “post high-school party pad” which funneled more Olde English 800 through it than a Snoop Dogg party circa 1993! But, I digress. Just the other day,…

As the Olympics are in full swing, every day a new story develops. Whether it’s about the problems at the hotels in Sochi or Bob Costas pink eyes, the media is loving the stories that are coming out of the Olympic games. Out of all the stories so far, my favorite is what Molson is doing for their fellow Canadians. Apparently in the official Canada House in the Olympic Village, a beer fridge sits that…

Although I’m not an ice fisherman, I’ve spent many hours floating on the river trying to catch a prized salmon or sturgeon. There have been many times I’ve been sitting on the boat, wishing I had a some more beer. Apparently ice fisherman get that same feeling. They spend all day cooped up in their fish houses and then the inevitable happens, they run out of beer. In an effort to solve the problem, Wisconsin…