
Beer Fun


There’s nothing like kicking back with a refreshing cold pint of jelly beans on a cold winters day. Wait, what? That’s right, Jelly Belly, the leader of random flavored jelly beans, has stepped up their game by introducing draft beer flavored jelly beans. Through a tedious development process they were able to pull out flavors of malt, hops and even yeast to create a treat that beer fans can indulge on anytime they want. The…

Everywhere you look on the internet, you’ll notice that people absolutely love lists. We are being bombarded with “top 10 of this” and “7 best of that”, and yet they are so dang addicting you want to click to see if you agree. It’s no different in the beer world where you will see lists such as “15 Best IPAs” and “The Worlds 7 Greatest Stouts”. I have nothing against these types of posts at…

‘Merica! Before we were branded as a McDonalds eating, NASCAR watching, Budweiser guzzling nation of indulgent obese loudmouths, we were branded as traitors, traitors rebelling against the oppressive rule of a monarchy. But, neither the crown nor the scepter could hold our brave nation down; and in our act of rebellion, we cemented ourselves as a sovereign nation, a nation of individuals dedicated to the cause of freedom. It is this same spirit of rebelliousness…

With the holidays approaching, it’s that time of year where you have to figure out what the heck to buy for your family and friends for the holidays. If you’re like me, you probably wait until a few days before Christmas to start your shopping and get angry at the herds of people making every store line feel like you’re at the DMV. We’ve released a few holiday lists in the past for beer lovers…

Many of you may remember my post on the beer baths that the awesome people of the Czech Republic get to enjoy at the Chodover brewery. Sadly, no one has offered to send me there to fully experience the glory and wonder of this exciting way to enjoy beer. (He typed grudgingly.) But, I’m not bitter. I wanted to figure out a way for one to treat oneself to the therapeutic effects of beer (other…

With summer in full swing and late night BBQ’s and mosquito bites starting to pile up, it goes without saying that you are probably spending more time outside. For many of you, that means spending time in the proverbial great outdoors. Rekindling your relationship with nature, struggling with fiberglass tent poles, being told by park rangers to “keep it down,” drinking copious amounts of beer, and pulling up your folding chairs close to a campfire…

The craft beer industry is an interesting place. It’s packed with mostly awesome people making, writing about, talking about and drinking some incredibly crafted beers. However from time to time I’ve noticed that we can get too serious about beer. At the end of the day it’s just beer. I’ve seen many arguments and discussions over styles and a host of other issues people disagree on. While it’s always a good idea to keep on…

Over the years my love for beer has grown quite profoundly. I’m one of those guys who loves reading and talking about beer almost as much as I love drinking it. However the more I learn about beer and talk to people about it, I’ve noticed a lot of people often tend to believe myths about beer such as the colder the beer, the better it is (thanks for that nugget of misinformation Coors). The…

Stone Brewing has been crafting up quite the array of collaboration beers with breweries from all over the country. From Dogfish Head and Victory, to Elysian and Ninkasi here in the northwest. Their latest collaboration is one of the most unique and interesting they have put out, a coffee IPA that is offered in 22oz bottles and on draft for a limited time. The recipe comes from 3 friends Jim Moorehouse, Nate Albrecht and Brad Zeller, who…