This is the case for today’s beer on my 50 beer challenge from Summit Brewing out of St. Paul, Minnesota. Launched in 2009, Summit Horizon Red Ale is now the breweries second best selling year round brew. They say it’s an “inspired hybrid that blurs the boundaries between IPA and Amber styles.”
I say it sounds like a pretty interesting to try out. They suggest serving it in a tumbler, but since I don’t have one I figured a pint glass would be the next best serving option.
Summit Horizon poured a dark amber color with a slight redish tint that was pretty clean looking. There was quite a bit of carbonation bubbles floating up to the top where they were met with a very small tan head that didn’t last very long, yet some nice lacing was left behind.
The aroma isn’t that bold, but filled with some nice floral and piney hops, citrus, spices, carmel and multiple layers of malts that give this beer a pretty complex smell when you really take the time to dig your nose into it.
This is definitely one of the hoppiest red ales I think I’ve had. The taste starts off with a sweet carmel like malt character before the bitterness of the hops takes over. After the bitterness lingers for a bit, bready and slightly burnt tasting malt kicks in along with the citrus of the hops. The flavors are really well balanced and work great together.
Maybe it’s just my bottle but I thought this beer was slightly over carbonated. Overall this is a great beer though and I definitely think most hopheads will at least appreciate this red ale a little bit.
My Summit Horizon Red Ale Review: B+
Here are the details:
ABV: 5.7%
IBUs: 60
Style: Amber Ale
What’s your thoughts on Summit Horizon Red Ale?