I was recently sent a watch from Happy Hour™ which is a pretty cool watch that includes a bottle opener in the buckle. Sometimes I get stuff sent in the mail for reviews that are complete crap, and this is definitely not one of them.  I love this watch.  The only downfall is it’s a little hard to read the time since it’s pretty dark, but it’s still pretty cool.

Anyways, instead of writing a whole long post about this bad boy, I recorded a quick review where I open a beer (for the first time) using the watch.  Check it out and enjoy.

For more details check out HappyHourTimePieces.com. The cost of the Dark ‘N’ Stormy watch shown here in the video is $69.95.  It’s definitely a good price for a watch of this quality and I recommend you check them out.

Christmas is just around the corner and I’m sure a lot of beer drinkers would love to get this watch as a gift.  Thanks again to Happy Hour™ for this watch.