Last night the Discovery Channel premiered the first episode of Brew Masters, a show that follows Sam Calagione, founder of Dogfish Head Brewery, as he runs his business, brews new beers, and even does a bit of hip hop.

This is a show that I’ve been really looking forward to as it exposes the world to the craft beer scene in what seems like an entertaining way.

Unfortunately for me, this last year my wife and I decided to cancel cable and stick to network TV and Netflix so I wasn’t able to watch the first episode.  I was hoping that they would show the episodes on the Discovery Channel website (as a lot of channels do), however they decided to put up just a few short clips of the show instead.

The few clips that were up were entertaining despite the fact I had to sit through 30 seconds of commercials for every 30 second clip I saw. Dogfish Head is a great brewery and by the looks of the clips it could be a pretty entertaining show to watch.

Anyways, hopefully I will find a better way to watch it.  For those of you lucky few who got to watch the premier in full, what are your thoughts?

*Photo from the Brew Masters Facebook Page