Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
With All Hallows Eve just on the brink,
You, dear readers, need something to drink!

And I have found the perfect potion to conjure up if you are looking for a little something different to sip on for your clandestine gatherings this Halloween!

Inspired by a beverage that I found from the restaurant Firefly, this Gin based beer cocktail will have you cackling at the moon for sure.

As there wasn’t an actual recipe to go on, I had to mix this potion up using my own proportions.

Witches Brew Beer CocktailThe magic elixir in my caldron of a beer glass was far from Eye of Newt or Toe of Frog, but did consist of:

  • 12oz. of Witches’ Brew Golden Ale
  • 1oz. of Aviation Gin
  • 2oz. of DRY Soda brand Juniper Berry Soda (The original drink calls for Juniper infused simple syrup, but most people won’t find that in their apothecary cabinet!)
  • 1oz. of fresh lemon juice

I was skeptical at first as to how Gin would mix with the beer. Gin, being traditionally derived from Juniper berries, is typically described as possessing a powerful, almost piney flavor. As an ingredient in this witch’s brew, I was worried about ruining a perfectly good beer.

The sweetness of the Juniper Berry soda cut through any of the hoppyness the Golden Ale may have had. The label on the bottle of Witches’ Brew touts that “It will put a spell on you,” and although I was far from spellbound, I was bewitched at how drinkable this beer cocktail was.

Adding 84 proof Gin to the 9.3% ABV Witches’ Brew Golden Ale creates a high-octane concoction of enchantment. The ingredients in this beer cocktail created a well-balanced beverage which tasted only slightly of Juniper. Too avoid becoming too charmed, I recommend treading lightly!

Halloween Beer Cocktail

So whether you are out trick-or-treating, or simply imbibing with your coven of friends, whip up this amalgamation of deliciousness and properly raise the spirits on this Hallows’ Eve.

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