Sorry for the infrequent posting but, as you read, due to the recent move my internet is a little spotty at best right now (I’m currently scoffing from a neighbor) but I did want to pass along a message I received the other day about Portland’s very first Beer (and Wine) themed 5k Run.

The Wine Flight 5k is on Saturday, October 25 at the Maine State Pier.  It’s modeled on a marathon in France’s Languedoc region, and the idea is to combine a 5k with stops for light food, beer, and wine.  The emphasis is on having fun and completing at one’s own pace, not blazing through the course.  If people want to linger at one of the food and drink stops then that’s part of the fun.  I don’t think there’s another event like it in the country.

However, to help everyone get in shape for the run, a summer of training sessions begins tomorrow, Tuesday June 3rd. Then, Every other Tuesday from June 3 through October 25, runners will meet at The Bay Club on the corner of Temple and Free Streets in Portland at 6pm, take a very casual jog through downtown, and wind up at a different restaurant or food-related destination in town.  Experienced runners will lead the runs, and nobody will be left behind.

At the destination, runners will enjoy a light tapas and drink – a reward for a little bit of fitness!

The venues for each training session include Local 188, Cinque Terre, Walter’s, Rabelais, The Grill Room, Vignola, Novare Res Bier Cafe, Gritty McDuff’s, Old Port Wine Merchants, Public Market House, and a special wrap-up event at Addo Novo.

People can register for all ten runs and the 5k, choose five runs and the 5k, or register for the 5k by itself.  Information and online registration is available at

So get out there, get drinking and get in shape (that sounds a little weird, doesn’t it? But I guess that’s the point).



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