mainebeerguildlogomember1.JPGI’ve been waiting to make this announcement until the website was (mostly) finished but today that happened, so here it goes: Last week, over good friends, good food and great beer — as all good ideas are born — the formation of the Maine Beer Writers’ Guild was hashed out.

The Guild’s goals are simple: “to promote better beer writing and celebrate Maine’s craft brew culture”. Membership is open to any writer of beer-related content (electronic or print) who resides in Maine.

Our next (and I guess first “official”) meeting is going to be Wednesday April 2nd and Gritty McDuff’s on Fore Street in Portland. Meetings will then occur monthly at different watering holes around the city.

Where do things go from here? Who knows, but it’s fun to be part of something! If you live in Maine and write about beer (in any form) and would like to join the Maine Beer Writers’ Guild, please use the contact form on the website. For more info or to see the blogs of the other members, visit


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