I’ll start by apologizing for the utter lack of posting around here lately; things have been extremely busy these last few days. But I guess that’s part of what Summer in Maine is all about. but its left me with very little time for posting, and even less time for research. So I figured I’d just share with you (those who haven’t already seen everything, anyway) some of the best beer-themed posts from the last few days from around the web.

  • Alan from A Good Beer Blog talked about a petition to “free Ontarians from the two-headed monster that is the government owned LCBO and the macro-brewery owned Beer Store,” and the premiums imposed on craft beer distribution by the government of Ontario which is, of course, passed on to the consumer.
  • Evan Rail and the Discovery Channel to produce a Discovery special on beer. Special guests already include Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head fame.
  • Captain Hops at Beer Haiku Daily wrote about Rich Lyke’s new campaign: Pints for Prostates. A national campaign sponsored by the beer industry to try and convince men aged 40 and older to get a PSA test.
  • In addition to a whole new theme over at Hop-talk.com, Al shared an upsetting story – Mike Freeman, a member of the Flying Dog Family, has recently been diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme or GBM, an aggressive form of brain cancer (the same form of cancer that took my brother-in-law a few years ago). Al also explained some ways in which you can help Mike, including buying a sweet “Fuck Cancer” shirt; the proceeds from which go to help cover Mike’s medical bills.

Be sure and check out each of the links above; I hope they’ll tide you over until I’m able to tackle the topics which need tackling ’round here. Notably, a recap of Tuesday night’s Dogfish Head event at Novare Res; a recap of last night’s July meeting of the Maine Beer Writers’ Guild and a review of the canned beers which arrived at my doorstep from Buckbean Brewing in Reno, NV a few days ago (THANKS GUYS!). So stay tuned and get out there an enjoy the sunshine. Cheers.


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