If you don’t know by now, I have a particular interest in entrepreneurship and start-up companies. So I tend to keep a weathered eye on business and entrepreneurial blogs and things of that nature, and when that interest and my interest in beer converge, it’s especially fun. And that’s just what happened today. I found a story on the Business Opportunities Weblog Network about a pair of college seniors — Valjean Boynton and Campbell King — in Australia who have started a business, Kegs on Legs, which “specializes in party keg hire and delivery to a thirsty Melbourne market.” According to Business Opportunities,

“We have a passion for business and also a passion for beer, so the two things together are pretty handy,” King, 22, says.

But the neat part is that the two aren’t in it for throwing frat house keggers, as it might first appear. They’re actually dedicated homebrewers and apparently have been for years. The business idea hit Boynton and King during their first year of college and is built on the premise that it would be easier to get Kegs on Legs to provide an entire service – kegs, beer, chilling equipment, cups and, best of all, free delivery and after-party pick-up. Reportedly business is doing well and Kegs on Legs is expanding its service provision,

Apart from the beer itself, the business now also hires out professional bar staff, and a security guard service is available at parties to ensure a safe environment. The goal at all times is to promote celebration.

Sounds like a great idea; good luck guys!

[Photo by Les O’Rourke]



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