That’s right, you read correctly – this right here, these words you’re currently reading, is Blog About Beer’s 100th post. In less than a month, we’ve covered everything from the apparent health benefits of Guinness, to Paris Hilton being banned from this year’s Oktoberfest Celebrations, to the environmentally friendly steps being taken by breweries like Alaskan Brewing Co., Peaks Organic, and Sierra Nevada Brewing; pretty impressive for just a month’s worth of work. So anyway, I’ve been trying to think all evening of a way to celebrate and I think I’ve finally thought of something worthwhile: 5 reasons you should learn to homebrew. Now, I’m assuming that, if you frequent blogs like this one, you probably all ready do dabble in the art of brewing your own; but if you don’t, there’s never been a better time to learn.

1. Hey, it’s cheaper than buying (good) commercial beer. Brewing in 5 gallon (or more) batches, will cost you less than a dollar a bottle.

2. Nothing creates a greater appreciation for craft brewing, than brewing your own. When you slave over your own batch of beer, when you worry about how it will turn out, whether your friends and family will enjoy it, when you wait ever so patiently for the aging process to be over, you quickly grow to understand and respect the brewing process as a whole.

3. There’s nothing quite like drinking the fruits of your own labor.

4. There is a great sense of community among home brewers. They share recipes, stories, tips & tricks freely; they brew together and encourage the growth and learning everyone who brews.

5. Lastly – let’s face it, brewing your own beer is pretty damn cool.

Check out our links page for links to great homebrew-related sites with forums and products & kits to get you started (as well as ingredients, for advanced brewing) and get out there and start brewing. There’s no time like the present to kick start the best hobby you’ll ever have! Cheers.


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