The newest issue of Mutineer Magazine arrived at my doorstep yesterday and in it (on page 36) is an article entitled Beverage 2.0: Beer Blogs with a list of blogs worth reading. The story highlights and recommends a handful of beer-themed blogs, including niche giants, Lyke 2 Drink, and yours truly:! Each highlight features “three recent posts”, a brief interview of the site’s creator(s) and some meta information, like where the site is written from and when it was founded.

Many thanks to Mutineer Magazine and publisher JJ Bagley for this very special honor! Mutineer Magazine is a — soon to be nationally-syndicated (congrats, guys!) “fine beverage publication unlike any other you’ve ever read. Founded by Sommelier Alan Kropf and beer expert JJ Bagley, Mutineer Magazine covers all things fine beverage with an emphasis on wine, beer and spirits. As informative as it is approachable, Mutineer Magazine will change the way you read about fine beverages.” Get your copy of Mutineer Magazine — complete with profile — today!


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