Discovered this little blurb which appears in the October issue of Entrepreneur Magazine today (via the Oskar Blues Facebook page) about 2009 being a “very good year for beer”. The article describes the fact that craft beer is really weathering the “recession” storm in the U.S. quite well and states the fact that, so far in 2009,

Sales of premium craft beers grew almost 6 percent last year, according to the Brewers Association, while imported beer sales dropped 3.4 percent, and mass-market domestic brands grew just 0.6 percent.

The article features photographs from Colorado’s own Oskar Blues and photographs and quotes from Colorado’s Ska Brewing Co. who has reported a 41% increase in the sales of their canned and bottled beers so far this year (however, Ska’s draught beer is up only 14%, leading the brewery’s owner to surmise that consumers are cutting corners by taking good beer home with them rather than spending the big money at bars to buy the craft stuff).

The Entrepreneur Magazine article also featured a good quote and a good point from Julia Herz, director of the craft beer program of the Brewers Association,

“younger generations identify with the brand in their hand, and people are relating to locally produced beers. Imports had to travel far to get here, and people are making the choice to lessen their footprint.”

You know I always appreciate seeing articles about craft beer in more mainstream or unexpected media and this article, in addition to the good news it carries, was no exception. Check it out and cheers to the sales of craft beer!


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