Beer folks are all over Twitter these days — @beersage is working on An Intro to Craft Beer on Twitter and Twitter Logo@chipperdave mused a few weeks ago that Twitter is in fact the “New Beer Pub”. Hell, even I’m an active Tweeter. So when I saw a brief write-up of a new service called Just Tweet It on this morning, I went and checked it out right away.

Just Tweet It is calling themselves “THE Directory for Twitter Users” and allows people to search their directory for like-minded Twitter users. I discovered they do in fact have a “Beer/Wine Lovers” category but unfortunately there aren’t a whole lot of Tweople listed there yet. If you’re reading this, you’re probably into beer. If you’re on Twitter already, add yourself to the “Beer/Wine Lovers” category on Just Tweet It so we can all find one another. If you’re not on Twitter yet, what’re you waiting for?!



  1. Truth be told, I am a twitter addict.

    The wine community is a lot easier to track down than the beer community … but we are getting there. I love the ridiculous exchange of information that occurs on twitter. I’ve received great reviews, tasting notes and suggestions from many tweeters passionate about beer. Not to mention, twitter serves as an excellent platform for posting links when one writes a blog!

    Are you familiar with the website Twitter Taste Live? It is for tweeters who are interested in doing more formal wine – and now beer tastings … VIRTUALLY! The first beer tasting is going to be a Trappist theme in January. If you have not signed up, I definitely encourage checking it out and considering hosting a tasting of your own! I hope to have one in February!

    Great post on Twitter! The more people on Twitter … the merrier!

  2. Twitter has become such a valuable resource for beer enthusiasts.  The numbers keep growing every day.  One way I find more and more beer fans is to use a web site called Monitter.

    Monitter lets you type in key words and then monitor real time tweets that match your keyword.  You can have multiple keywords being tracked in different columns.  I use homebrew, beer and whatever keyword is on my fancy that day.  Great tool for finding other twitter beer fans out there.  There are thousands of them!

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