I just wanted to wish everyone a very safe & happy New Years Eve. I hope it is a fun-and-beer-filled one for all of you. 2007 was a great year (especially since it saw the launch of www.blogaboutbeer.com in August) and I can only hope 2008 is that much better.

Also, don’t forget that it’s not too late to win free stuff from Blog About Beer and the Shipyard Brewing Co. To celebrate the end of ’07, I’m giving away a huge package, which includes a Shipyard Brewing 2008 wall calendar, a Shipyard t-shirt, and other surprise gifts, all graciously donated from Shipyard. All you need to do to win is comment on either this post or this post. I will select one of the comments at random on Wednesday January 2nd and mail the items off; it’s that easy. Enter to win now and start the New Year with a bang!

 Happy Holidays everyone. Cheers!

[tags]Shipyard Brewing Co., Happy New Year, 2008, beer, beer news, free stuff[/tags]



  1. I hope it’s not too wrong to leave beer by the wayside and make champagne my drink of choice for one night. I have a nice beef and Guinness stew planned for tomorrow though, so I’ll be back to beer soon. Keep up the good work with your blog, I’m excited to see what you have in store for 2008!

  2. Luke, I wish you a happy new year. Beers, love and friends for all the blogaboutbeer.com readers.

    I wanna be include in the drawing too!


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