Some of you may remember a few months ago (November, 2007 to be exact) when the story of the The Trappist monks at St. Sixtus monastery and their famous Westvleteren beer vaulted to everyday stardom, thanks to this story in the Wall Street Journal. Well, apparently their mystique has caught the attention of another high profile star – Harry Potter. According to England’s Daily Star, Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe will travel to the monastery in Westvleteren, Belgium to purchase some of the monks’ famous beer – beer that is regarded by many as some of the best in the world.

Supposedly one of the monks told the Daily Star,

“[Daniel] appreciates fine wine and beer and is fascinated by Westvleteren. He wanted it to be the first alcoholic beverage he legally drank.”

Radcliffe has reportedly agreed to purchase two cases each of Westvleteren Blonde, Westvleteren 8 and Westvleteren 12, all of which can only be bought at the monastery gate. For more on the the Westvleteren Monks and their “holy grail of beers”, click here (WSJ) and here (wikipedia).

[tags]Westvleteren, Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe, beer, Belgian beer[/tags]



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