Up bright and early to hit the road for Vermont for a beer-filled weekend, which culminates with the Vermont Brewers Festival tomorrow evening. So far the trip includes lunch today at the Long Trail Brewery in Bridgewater Corners, a trip to Winooski Beverage — one of the best liquor stores in the state according to the folks at BeerAdvocate — dinner tonight at American Flatbread and of course the festival itself tomorrow. And I’m sure many more excursions will be added along the way.

I’ll be attending the Saturday evening session of the festival, so if you’re going to be there, be sure and say hello. If you would like to be there but haven’t gotten your ticket yet, you’d better hurry – it will sell out before “the door”. Tickets still remain for this evening’s session and tomorrow afternoon, however.

If you can’t make it to Burlington for the weekend but would still like to keep tabs on the goings on, please follow me on Twitter (@livingstonmedia). I will be Tweeting from Vermont all weekend using the Hashtag #vtbeer, so you can easily track the conversation. Others who are planning on attending the festival, please feel free to use the same tag so we can really get a conversation going! See you there!


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