The University of King’s College in Nova Scotia will offer Brewing Science: The history, culture and science of beer to all students for the first time starting in January, 2008. The course will be a seminar/lecture format and will also feature field trips to local breweries.

Although the professor, Gordon McOuat, is under strict orders not to provide beer in class — says McOuat, “It’s going to be on their own time that they would ever drink beer.” — according to Nova Scotia’s ChronicalHerald Metro, as an extracurricular activity, students will have the option of brewing their own beer,

“Replicating the conditions and equipment used to brew beer as it was done hundreds of years ago”

McOuat tells the paper that the topics he already has planned include the relationship between beer and the French revolution and how the pub has changed over time. I Don’t know about you, but this sounds to me like the perfect time to go back for a second degree…


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