What do you do when you have an extra $5 million (£2.5 million) laying around? Why, buy a British pub, of course. And that’s just what Madonna — and husband Guy Ritchie — did. The pair have bought The Punchbowl, an 18th century pub in the Mayfair section of London. Apparently, a source close to Madonna tells People Magazine,

“She (Madonna) absolutely adores the pub. They pop in regularly to get away from it all. “Madonna loves the beer and Guy meets all his pals down there. They have been desperate to own this place for a long time and have been making offers on it for ages. Now it has finally happened. It’s only around the corner from their West End home. She will be the most glamorous landlady alive.”

It must be pretty fun to be Madonna…

“Madonna buys London pub The Punch Bowl” [gossipboulevard.com]

[tags]Madonna, Guy Ritchie, The Punch Bowl, London, pub, beer[/tags]


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