Out of the 3 beers they sent, I figured their hI.P.A. (pronounced Hi P A) sounded the best since the weather is warm, and I.P.A.’s sound good no matter what the weather is doing.
hI.P.A. is part of Magic Hat’s I.P.A. on Tour where they launch a new I.P.A. every quarter. It’s available from August 1st to October 15th.
This is definitely a sexy looking beer if you ask me. It’s a very hazy golden orange color that has quite a bit of carbonation bubbles dancing to the top. There was a thick layer of fluffy white head at the top of the glass that took a long time before it died off and left some excellent lacing on the glass.
The nose is pretty clean with a piney hop aroma dominating. It smells like they dry hopped this nicely with Columbus hops. Cutting through the pine smell is some slight citrus and fresh cut grass along with a slight sweetness. It’s not on overpowering of hops, just a nice balance of smells.
I was a bit surprised with my first drink that the flavor was much more bitter than the aroma led me to believe. It’s an interesting balance of piney hops, citrus, peach, and grain. It starts off all bitter hops but gives way to a fruity sweetness that makes this an enjoyable brew.
While not a completely unique I.P.A., it’s pretty solid and I definitely enjoy drinking it. It has a fairly light mouthfeel that would make this an easy beer to drink quite a bit of while watching some Monday night football.
My Magic Hat hI.P.A. Review: B
Here are the details:
ABV: 6.7%
IBUs: 70
Style: IPA
What’s your thoughts on hI.P.A.?