Magic Hat Demo IPAA few days ago I reviewed Magic Hat Vinyl, and today I wanted to do a review of the second beer they sent me, their spring black I.P.A. called Demo. The bottle design was pretty clever, almost making it look like a record.  I hadn’t heard of this beer until they sent it so I wasn’t sure of what to expect.

The beer poured a very dark brown chocolate color. As you can see by the picture, it had a small (and I mean almost non existant) tan head. It did leave some nice lacing on the glass and overall looked pretty delicious.

I really enjoyed the aroma of this beer.  If I could design a beer cologne to wear, this might just be the scent that I’d want.  It had a very strong malt smell with hints of citrus and chocolate. The Goldings and Amarillo hops were present in the smell and I think that’s what put a smile on my face.  If only it lasted.

The first sip really caught me off guard.  I was expecting an I.P.A.  and what I got tasted like the ashes of campfire.  To me it was all a roasted malt flavor with just a very subtle taste of hops.  There is also a slight buttery yeast flavor that leaves me scratching my head.  This doesn’t taste like an I.P.A., but I am not sure what it would be classified as.

Don’t get me wrong, this is a drinkable beer. It isn’t horrible, I just don’t really understand it.  The flavors seem a bit off to me and it tastes like one of my homebrews that I didn’t get just right.

Sorry Magic Hat, I love the bottle design, just not much of a fan of Demo.

My Magic Hat Demo Review: C-

Here are the details:

ABV: 6%
IBUs: 45
Style: Black I.P.A.

What’s your thoughts on Magic Hat Demo?

Note: If you represent a brewery and are reading this and would like your beer reviewed on, please contact me for more info. Thanks!


  1. I tried Demo and totally loved it!! It reminds me of a hoppier Sixpoint Brwnstone, if you ve ever had that. I think I would describe it as a chocolate-y-ish brown beer that has a nice amount of hops added in for a nice little bite. Im gettin’ more!

    • That’s why I love craft beer. What I am not a fan of, others love. What I love, others don’t. Thanks for the comments.

  2. Gotta say, I love this one, And not just for the cool label…..I love stouts, porters, and ipa’s to a lesser degree, and this is somewhere in between, has a bite, but overtones of a porter…hope they keep making this one….!

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