Any Maine homebrewers wanting to grow their own hops (not a bad thought, in light of recent world hops shortages): I just received an email from Rick at Paris View Farm in Paris, ME (near Oxford Hills, for those that don’t know) letting me know that he’ll be digging and cutting hops rhizomes (the roots of the hops plants which are used to grow new vines) this week and they’ll be for sale at the farm for $10 a piece. Last year Paris View sold Chinook, Mt.Hood, Newport, Nugget, Perle, and Sterling varieties, so you can expect much of the same for ’08.

For more information or to contact Paris View Farm to place an order, check out their website at

For more on how to grow your own hops, check out this “grow your own” feature from Brew Your Own Magazine.

[tags]hops rhizomes, hops, Maine, beer[/tags]


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