In 1979 the American Homebrewers Association originally claimed National Homebrew Day to be the first Saturday in May. On May 7, 1988, Congress officially recognized National Homebrew Day. So, if my calculations are correct, this Saturday (May 3rd) is the 29th annual National Homebrew Day! Here’s what it’s all about:

Every year on this day, thousands of homebrewers the world over join together with friends and fellow brewers to brew the same recipes and share a simultaneous toast at noon (Central Time). But this year the festivities will be a little different – for starters, the AHA is hosting a YouTube contest where brewers can upload their videos of their National Homebrew Day “Big Brew”. Prizes will be awarded for the most watched video and the video that best captures the essence and teamwork of the AHA Big Brew.

They’re also giving away a free book (either Brewing Classic Styles by Jamil Zainasheff and John Palmer or Mild Ale by David Sutula in honor of this year’s recipes) with every AHA membership sold this week and shipping is free.

So, what do you need to do to prepare? Read this year’s collective Big Brew recipes (both all-grain and extract versions) and, most importantly, click to find out if there is a Big Brew site in your area and join in on some homebrewed fun.


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