Remember that laptop you found the the bus yesterday? it might belong to New Zealand’s Croucher Brewing Co. and there could be a hefty reward in store for you, upon its safe return. The brewery wants its stolen laptop–which contained designs, creative work, contact details and financial information–back and is offering a lifetime supply of beer to the person who returns the computer and uncovers the theives. According to the brewery, the “lifetime supply” works out to about a 12-pack of the brewery’s “boutique beers” every month. for the rest of your life.

According to USA Today, Croucher owner Paul Croucher told The Daily Post (the newspaper in the brewery’s home town of Rotorua, on the North Island),

“We’re grumpy. We’re going to have to re-do some of our work,”

Best of luck in finding the laptop, gentlemen!


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