Jim Koch, the founder of Samuel Adams, has teamed up with Denis Leary and The Leary Firefighters Foundation to create a very unique package of items to be auctioned off on eBay, just before the holidays. Included in the package is the first bottle of the limited edition 2007 batch of Samuel Adams Utopias autographed by Jim Koch, a custom made Samuel Adams Utopias snifter; exclusively designed and signed by Georg Riedel, and a “Rescue Me” coffee table book autographed by Denis Leary.

The mission of The Leary Firefighters Foundation is to provide funding and resources for Fire Departments to obtain the best available equipment, training and technology. The Foundation was established in 2000 by actor Denis Leary in response to a tragic fire in Worcester, Massachusetts that claimed the lives of Denis’ cousin, a childhood friend, and four other firefighters. According to the official press release from the Boston Beer Co.,

“This auction is a great way to raise money and give beer enthusiasts extraordinary collectible items at the same time,” said Jim Koch. “We have been working closely with The Leary Firefighters Foundation for over five years, and we know it to be a great cause. We are excited to be able to make some beer lover’s holiday a little brighter, while supporting Denis’s Foundation.”

The auction is located here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120197956529 and it comes to a close on December 20th, so you’d better hurry. Not an eBay user yet? Click the banner below to sign up today.


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