The Shipyard give-away which was announced here yesterday has just gotten a little sweeter. I sent an email last night to the PR director at Shipyard alerting them to the give-away and arrived home on my lunch break this afternoon to the following reply,

Hi Luke, We can donate a t-shirt and a few other small, easy to mail items to you, no problem at all… Thanks for thinking of us! 

So – just like that, the End of Ought Seven give-away is that much sweeter. In addition to the 2008 Shipyard Brewing wall calendar, one lucky winner will recieve a Shipyard Brewing Co. t-shirt and a few small, yet-to-be-named surprises!

The same rules still apply, comment on either this post or yesterday’s original give-away announcement — the comment can be as simple as “count me in” — and you’re officially entered to win. plus, every time you comment on a post between now and New Year’s Day, it counts as another entry (so the more you comment, the greater your chances of winning). On January 2nd, I’ll put all the entries in a hat, randomly select one and put your new, free beer-gifts in the mail. Good luck!



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