Here are just a few tidbits to make you laugh; for a full listing, click here

  • In Fairbanks, AK, it is illegal to serve alcoholic beverages to moose.
  • In Colorado, it is illegal to ride a horse while under the influence…It is also illegal 1) for liquor stores to sell food and 2) for food stores to sell alcohol with an ABW greater than 3.2%. Beer with 3.2% ABW is called “low point beer.” Beer with higher alcohol levels can be purchased in liquor stores…The sale of alcohol is prohibited on Election Day….Ban on off-premises sale of alcohol on Sundays.
  • In Hawaii, underage purchase of alcohol is prohibited except for law enforcement purposes…Underage consumption of alcohol is not explicitly prohibited.
  • In the state of Maine, it is illegal to possess an unlabeled, unregistered keg – punishment is a maximum fine of $500 and/or time in prison. It is illegal to destroy the label on a keg, punishable by a maximum fine of $1,000 or 6 months in prison.

Find your state’s silly beer law, here!



  1. Nice post.  There are some definite wacky beer and liquor laws out there.  Me being from Colorado, I was definitely
    guillty of taking the horse out for a spin after cranking back some beers.  For me, Utah’s liquor laws are ridiculous.  
    Last month, I wrote a post about em at Grapes and Grains

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