Are you a home brewer with some good recipes that you want to share with the brewing community? I’m currently in the process of putting together a beer recipe guide and would love to include your recipes. If you feel that you have a good recipe, please submit it via the contact form and I’ll include it in the guide, which should be available in the next few weeks.

When submitting the recipes, please include the following:

  • Beer Name
  • Category (ex: Pale Ale, ESB, etc..)
  • Type (all grain or extract)
  • Ingredients separated by fermentables, hops, yeast, and others)
  • Procedure

It doesn’t matter if you are an amateur, as long as you like your recipe, I’d love to include it. I might even send you a gift if it looks so good that I decide to brew it myself.

Have a great day!


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