
Just a few briefs to get you through the painstakingly slow hours between now and the game tonight. For starters, Jay Brooks at the Brookston Beer Bulletin has posted a link to a map of the USA made from beer labels, each representing the state of its origin. While some of them are hard to decipher, it’s fun to try. How many can you name? (click the photo for a larger version and the answers)

Next, just in time for Valentine’s Day – a recipe for decedent cream cheese & dark chocolate marble brownies with a secret ingredient to set them apart from any other brownie you might whip up in the coming weeks – 1 1/4 cups of stout beer! Click here for the full recipe, from the Northwest Herald in Illinois.

And lastly – just as soon as the February Session (my entry) wraps up (the complete overview), the topic for March’s Session has been posted. Next month’s entries are sponsored by Chris O’Brien over at The Beer Activist and the topic – Organic Beer. According to Chris,

Lots of brewers use Certified Organic malt and/or hops but have not had their facilities and processes certified. Legally and in practical fact these beers are not organic and are prohibited from being marketed as organic. But for this Session, it’s up to you to decide what to count as organic.

If the announcement alone is any indication, March is going to be a great month for The Session (and will see my 2nd entry ever). Be sure and check back on March 7th for more.

Enjoy the game (and some beers to go with it) everyone; Go Pats!

(image by jackncokewithlime)
[tags]Super Bowl, stout beer, Valentine’s day, brownie recipe, beer[/tags]


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