What do you do when you own all of the strip clubs, gyms, and most of the buildings in downtown Tampa Bay Florida? Run for local government? No, after that… open a brewery, of course!

And that’s just what Tampa King Pin Joe Redner, along with his son Joey, plans to do. The pair would like to open Cigar City Brewing by September. A Brewery which would specialize in local flavors and teach patrons how to match beer with meals. According to Tampa Bay Online,

A key part of the plan is to hold catered dinners at the 6,000-square-foot brewery on Friday nights. Diners would be served a five-course meal, each course paired with a different beer. The Redners expect about 50 people to attend each dinner.

But the brewery will be just that and won’t have a bar or regularly serve food (except for the Friday night events). The younger Redner told the Tampa city council that,

…he has no plans to sell pints of beer or turn the venture into a bar. His goal is simple, he said: Produce about 2,000 barrels a year and focus on local flavors, such as exotic fruits. He wants Cigar City Brewing to be the go-to microbrewery in Tampa.

Joey also told the council, apparently, that he has been a beer connoisseur for years, and has written about beer for many Web sites and trade publications. He claims it has been a dream of his family’s — his multi-millionaire father is financing the project — to open their own craft brewery for a long time.

Who knows, maybe there will be a strip club or a gym tucked away behind the mash tuns…

source: “Redner Has New Idea Brewing: Beer Venture with Son” [Tampa Bay Online]


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