Valentine’s Day. Whether it excites the butterflies in your love-stricken heart or antagonizes your gag reflex… it’s happening.
But don’t despair or avert your eyes from these words until you’ve read just a tad more!
If upon hearing the words “Valentine’s Day” you first think of the actual St. Valentine being martyred by beheading, or think of the 1929 St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in which Al Capone “retired” 7 mob associates, this first beer is for you!
Alameda Brewing brings us an offering fitting for those who snort in derision at this holiday or hit repeat on certain tracks off Air Supply records. It’s called My Bloody Valentine and this seasonal farmhouse style Saison will help you celebrate/non-celebrate in style!
With a red wax seal and a label adorned with a dagger-pierced heart complete with blood-splatter, this beer does a great job targeting the “party of one” crowd for this day.
Seasonally brewed with sweet and bitter orange peel, the dry, earthy qualities are complemented by the peppery notes as well as the faint orange zest. The floral aromas culminate in a citrusy finish as the beer warms. The thin creamy texture and acidic finish round out this 5.5% ABV brew nicely.
Now to the “butterflies and unicorns” portion of the post!
Fort George Brewery Roses on Roses
What would Valentine’s Day be without sending your “boo” some roses?
Ft. George helps us with Roses on Roses, a limited Belgian IPA which was released in honor of Ft. George’s fifth anniversary. This brew is a version of their ‘XVIth Chapel’ beer, but is further enhanced by aging it in Four Roses bourbon barrels and conditioning using rose hips. Musty and fruity from the Belgian yeast, the aroma also has light floral notes as well as a hint of pine. The bourbon definitely makes its presence known and the light bitterness doesn’t stick around long. The solid malt presence and oak dryness all weigh in to add to the complexity of this 9.2% ABV beer.
Now, we all know V-Day is synonymous with chocolates. And, we at Blog About Beer have been sifting through many chocolaty goodies to bring you a sampler pack guaranteed to satisfy even the most discriminating sweet tooth!
New Belgium Lips of Faith Imperial Coffee Chocolate Stout
With forward coffee and chocolate notes on the nose, this 9% ABV stout continues on that path in the flavor. The dark roasted malt and strong black coffee flavors come on heavy but are lured into submission by lighter notes of sweet chocolate on the finish.
Samuel Smith’s Organic Chocolate Stout
Lightly roasted malts and chocolate syrup in the aroma start this 5% ABV beer in the right direction. With hints of bitterness toward the thin finish, the English yeasts do their best to keep the chocolate and the malty flavors at bay. Medium mouthfeel that doesn’t linger makes this stout very easily, almost dangerously, drinkable.
Southern Tier Imperial Choklat Stout
Sugary smelling with hints of vanilla on the nose, this beer has a lot going on. Dark malts lurk beneath the milk chocolate assault, while the almost nougat-esque qualities surface to add to this amazingly complex beer that hides its 10% ABV like a black-clad ninja. This liquid bitter-sweet chocolate contains Willamette and Chinook hops which brings a degree of bitterness to this brew. Southern Tier has once again “struck it rich” with this delicious glass of black gold!
Stone/Iron Fist/Ken Schmidt Mint Chocolate Imperial Stout
The final brew may find the Girl Scouts wanting to think about retiring their Thin Mints! The candy-ish scent of this unique 9.6% ABV brew is comprised of dark chocolate and mint with hints of toffee and roasted espresso. The roasty, nutty quality strikes first. Then, the seduction of the mint and chocolate suavely make their presence known. This is a decadent beer that will definitely have you lusting for more!
Regardless of what your plans for February 14th are, there is a beverage for you. And as you finish your lovers’ tryst, or worn out from dodging Cupid’s arrows, or simply boycotting the day grudgingly, drop us a line and let us know what beer will be pulling at your heart strings this Valentines Day!