As I mentioned in my previous post, I spent the first few days of this week at Affiliate Summit East in Boston. Monday was the longest and most grueling day of the conference and when it was over my co-worker Nate and I were in desperate need of a beer. While we’re both relatively familiar with Boston, neither of us knew the neighborhood we were in — the area around the World Trade Center in Southie — that well. So we decided to just hit the bricks in the direction of China Town and see what would happen.

We were almost ready to give up and just settle for the next bar we found when we happened to walk past the downtown location of Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewing Co. I now understand that Rock Bottom is a nation-wide chain of brewpubs (in fact, the largest brewpubs by volume in the country) but I didn’t know this at the time.

Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewing Co.

So we stopped in and had a pint (mine was a very tasty, light and citrusy Belgian-style ale). It really was the best way to end a very long, tiring day in a relitively unfamilar city and I considered myself very lucky to have stumbled across Rock Bottom when I did. Have you had a similar occurrence with good beer just being in the right place at the right time? Discuss.



  1. Oh yes! In Schweinfurt, Germany, we were starving, and happened upon a falafel joint. They had Kulmbacher Monschoff Schwarzbier there, and it was amazing. Fries, falafel, a nice dark beer. Nothing better.

  2. Yeah, definitely. My girlfriend and I were in Montreal, trying to find the art museum from memory, when we happened upon the Cheval Blanc. We were was off course, but it was awesome since we’d planned to track it down anyway. We each had a couple of beers and decided to put off the museum for the day. Later, we ended up touring all the city’s brewpubs.

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