I spent some time in Borders this afternoon checking out 2008 Fantasy Baseball Draft Guides and happened across the beer section of the magazine department. To my amazement, there were six different beer-related magazines in stock (and that didn’t include either Beer Advocate Magazine or Celebrator). The magazines I saw before me included All About Beer, Draft Magazine, Beer (a publication of beer.com, I believe), Brew Your Own, Zymurgy — the official magazine of the American Homebrewers’ Association — and Beers of the World.

Although I don’t subscribe to any of them, I’ve at least glanced through all six at one point or another. But seeing all of them in one place at the same time today got me thinking – which is the best beer magazine out there? Well, I figured I’d put it to a vote; what do YOU think (leave a comment)?



  1. There is another beer mag that is on sale in Borders and Barnes & Noble across the USA, called Beer & Brewer magazine http://www.beerandbrewer.com Its all about the lifestyle and industry of beer and (home & commercial) brewing in Australia & NZ. I’m the Publisher, please excuse the self promotion of the mag, and would be keen to know what people think of the mag compared to the rest on the shelves in the USA. Cheers, David

  2. Draft is the best in my opinion. It has good reviews, good beer and food pairing info, good food made with beer recipes, places to visit with good beer, etc.

    I read Beer magazine too because it covers some different topics, but I find it a little tacky with the flaunting of women to make sales.

  3. I subscribe to AAB, Beer advocate, Zymurgy, and a brew your own. I think AAB is better, although beer advocate is getting better. The latter two cant be compared to the forst two because they focus almost entirely on Home brewingI have
    read Draft and thought it a little “lightweight” but that was a while back. One thing I like about B Adv is the brewer interviews.

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