Brazilian brewery Dado Bier has created a new brew — Dado Bier Ilex — using one of the oldest and most traditional elements of South American culture: Yerba-maté tea. The result? An innovative mixed brew which brings the flavor and characteristic aroma of yerba-maté to a surprising beer. According to the company’s press release,

Inspired by this tradition, Dado Bier brewery is betting on innovation and launching the first beer in Brazil to be made from yerba-maté, Dado Bier Ilex. With its newest creation, Dado Bier, a benchmark on the Brazilian market among specialty breweries, is looking to capture the essence for a beer with this typical South American herb. Dado Bier Ilex reveals the characteristic flavor of yerba-maté in a beer that surprises the palate… Launched in Brazil in December, Ilex is Dado Bier’s first export beer and should arrive on the Uruguayan and Argentinean markets [later] in 2008. The brewery is negotiating with the main Argentinean and Uruguayan import companies.

More than a year of research by master brewer Carlos Bolzan went into Bier Ilex’s creation. Bolzan has tried to,

unite in a single formula the best qualities of yerba-maté and beer. This resulted in a balanced beer that maintains the characteristic bitterness of the drink while adding notes of the aroma and flavor of yerba-maté, and a unique coloration.

No word yet on whether or not we can expect this beer north of the boarder, however. For more information on Dado Bier:

Dado Bier launches the first beer with yerba-maté” [BeerAdvocate]
(image by j3f3rs0n)
[tags]Dado Bier, Dado Bier Ilex, beer, Brazil, craft beer, yerba mate[/tags]


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