JUNEAU, ALASKA — October 1, 2007 — The Alaska Cabaret, Hotel, Restaurant and Retailer’s Association (CHARR) recently presented the Alaska Spirits Award to Alaskan Brewing Co. for its leadership to improve the hospitality industry.

“The hospitality industry is a very important part of Alaska’s social and economic fabric, and the people in the industry represented by CHARR care very much about their communities,” said Marcy Larson, who founded the brewery with her husband, Geoff. “So being given the Alaska Spirits Award by this statewide association is very rewarding.”

CHARR’s Awards Committee recognized Alaskan Brewing Co. as one of the state’s top exports, as well as Marcy and Geoff Larson’s unflagging support and participation in CHARR, said Kirsten Holzshu, vice president of operations. Both Geoff and Marcy have served as Alaska CHARR Board members and Marcy is active in the Juneau / Lynn Canal chapter, having helped organize the Safe Ride programs in Juneau, Holzshu added.

The award was given at the 4th Annual Alaska CHARR Awards program, held in conjunction with the Annual Charity Auction & Banquet on Sept. 19 at the River’s Edge Resort in Fairbanks. The 130 hospitality industry members in attendance raised more than $25,000 for the Armed Services YMCA at the charity auction.

Giving the Alaska Spirits Award was Leeann Thomas, past officer of the Juneau/Lynn Canal chapter of CHARR and owner of the Triangle Club in Juneau. In 1987 the Triangle was one of the first bars to serve Alaskan Amber.

“I was really honored to present Alaskan Brewing with this award,” Thomas said. “The brewery truly represents the spirit of Alaska, having started with two individuals with a dream and growing to become an Alaskan success story.”

Thomas cited the brewery’s leadership in manufacturing, environmental stewardship and philanthropy.

“Alaskan Brewing Co. represents care and quality in everything it does, from its operations and products to its environmental practices and charitable giving,” Thomas said. “In addition, it has a wonderful family-style spirit in its corporate culture. The brewery is a real asset to Juneau and to the state of Alaska.”

The Alaska Sprits Award was created four years ago to honor businesses that show leadership to improve the hospitality industry. Previous winners are K&L Distributors, Brown Jug and the Alaska Wine and Spirits Wholesalers Association.


For more information, please contact Communications Manager Amy Phillips at 907-780-5866 or aphillips@alaskanbeer.com.


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