I received word today that one of Maine’s most iconic beer brands will be closing their doors on August 1st. Stone Coast Brewing Co. — which first opened its doors here in Portland in 1995 — sited money (mainly taxes) problems as the reason for the closure.

Although their beers were never some of my favorites, it is still sad and troubling to see any brewery close, especially one from right here in Maine. I wish all of the guys & gals at Stone Coast the best of luck in where ever beer may take them next!

Stone Coast’s Story

In 1992, Grant Wilson conceived and built Sunday River Brewing Co., a homey brewpub nestled at the base of Sunday River ski area in Bethel, Maine. We quickly became known for tasty beer, friendly anything-you-need service and great live music. Loyal local mug club members and visitors alike fell in love.

Due to popular demand, in 1995 we built Stone Coast Brewing Co. in Portland Maine. The legend of our incredible hoppy 420 IPA grew with each pint served. Hounded with requests, we asked our friends at Casco Bay Brewing to start bottling a few of our brews. In 2003, we got serious and built our own state-of-the-art production brewery right in Portland, complete with a beautiful stainless-steel bottling line. In 2004, we added a one-of-a-kind canning machine and became one of the first microbreweries in the country to can beer.



  1. Have you been able to confirm this?

    I have not been able to locate any information on their website or myspage page.


  2. I doubt that taxes would be the problem. There is poor management of money period at this brewery. The owner is oblivious on how to run a successful business because of his personal issues and pie in the skie dreams. Perhaps they should have spent a little more time developing the business and a little less times buying pot for a band that was doomed for failure the minute it started, and going to questionable website. This business bled about 3/4 million dollars a year it is about time it closed daddys money kept in it business for how long?

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