a-b.jpgDid you know that there is legislation in place banning most craft beer from Alabama? Yeah, me either. But now there’s a group who is trying to do something about that. And, to get their voices heard, they’re calling for a Birmingham-wide boycott of Anheuser-Busch products!

Free The Hops / Alabamians For Specialty Beer, is a grassroots consumer group working to change the current Alabama legislation — which limits all beer sold in the state to an ABV of no more than 6% — and, according to the group’s president, Stuart Carter, his group is calling for the boycott because of the anti-craft beer lobbying efforts of Birmingham Budweiser and the distributor’s vice president, Pat Lynch. According to the press release,

Lynch’s lobbying efforts against the local Jefferson county bill for the higher ABV limit led to the Free The Hops supported legislation (HB-728) failing last year, Carter says.

So the members of Free The Hops are fighting back,

“The members of Free The Hops,” Carter says, “will no longer purchase or consume any Budweiser products in Jefferson County. And we urge all of our non-member supporters to do the same.”

Apparently, Alabama is one of only three states in the U.S. that limit the ABV for beer to only 6%. However, it is the only state that limits beer containers to a size of no more than 1 U.S. pint (16 ounces).

Good luck Free The Hops!

(original image by throughmystomach)
[tags]Anheuser-Busch, Budweiser, Birmingham, Alabama, Free The Hops, beer, craft beer[/tags]


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