The Associated Beer Distributors of Illinois is hoping a new website will help in their fight against a beer-tax proposed by Chicago mayor Richard Daley. A tax which the group claims would make beer in Chicago one of the most heavily taxed beverages in the country. The site (which is located at gives visitors the ability to contact the city councilman that represents their district.

Stop Chicago Liquor Tax Increase is a “web-based action center” which connects interested parties directly with the Chicago city councilors and aldermen who will be voting on Daley’s proposed beer-tax next week, according to a release from the ABDI.

Mayor Daley’s proposal, which was announced Oct. 10th, 2007, calls for an 87.5% hike on all alcohol sold in the city; an increase which would raise the cost of beer 30 cents per gallon, or approximately eight cents per six-pack. In case that doesn’t sound like much to you, the ABDI notes that, overall, the increase would cost Chicagoans $13.1 million a year. 


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